Dangerous Drugs & Medical Devices

DD Quill lawyers are investigating a number of claims involving potential dangers and side effects from certain drugs and devices. The medications involved may be over-the-counter medicines or doctor-prescribed. The devices include things such as knee and hip implants and others. These are the current claims we are investigating:

Belviq / Lorcaserin
Allergan Biocell implants are saline-filled and silicone-filled textured implants. Claimants allege that Allergan Inc. and its subsidiaries did not properly warn women that their textured breast implants carry a risk of a type of cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or BIA-ALCL. BIA-ALCL is a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer of the immune system). Wallace and Graham is investigating claims by individuals who have received an Allergan textured breast implant and have been experiencing side effects of any kind.

Elmiron is a drug used to treat interstitial cystitis, also called “IC” or “painful bladder syndrome.” This is especially a problem for women. Claimants have alleged injuries from use of the drug including vision problems and blindness, macular (eye-related) degeneration, maculopathy, retinal injury. Elmiron is also known as pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS). Women who have taken Elmiron for the pain and discomfort caused by IC have in some cases reported experiencing progressive eye disease that may result in permanent vision loss. Signs of Elmiron-associated eye damage may include: Difficulty reading, hard time adapting to dim lighting, blurred vision, dark spots in center of vision, lines in vision, loss of colors in your vision. Wallace and Graham is investigating claims by individuals who have complications after receiving Elmiron.

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